Exterior of Greenfield Building


马克·墨菲 马克·墨菲 教育 Associate Professor and Director of the School of 教育 电子邮件: mark.murphy@classactbusiness.net 电话: 414.443.8570



  • B.S. Elementary 教育 - emphasis in Broad Field Science 
    Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN
  • Wisconsin State Teacher Certification - WI DPI Licensure: #1088 Elementary and Middle School 教育, # 1605生物学, # 1621科学
    威斯康辛州路德 College, Milwaukee, WI
  • M.A.E. Administration and Leadership 
    WI DPI Licensure: #5051 中小学校长, #5080 Director of Special 教育 and Pupil 服务s, #1811 Special 教育 Licensure 
    Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI
  • Ph.D. Special 教育 Leadership - Learning Disabilities Emphasis 
    五车二大学, Minneapolis, MN 
  • Post-Doctoral Studies - School District Administration 
    WI DPI Licensure: #5003 Superintendent 
    Marian University, Fond du Lac, WI


I serve as an associate professor in the education department at 威斯康辛州路德 College. I teach 特殊教育 and administrative courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs. I also serve as the administrator of the graduate program, with oversight of principal, director of instruction, and director of SPED licensure. I am a licensed educator in elementary, 生物学, 科学概论, 特殊教育, 中小学校长, Director of Special 教育 and Pupil 服务s, and School Superintendent. I recently worked for a year as a superintendent intern in a local public district to complete my K-12 superintendent licensure certification. 

I have experienced the educational process from the classroom teacher and administrative perspectives in both public and parochial settings. Some of my most rewarding experiences have been working with students with learning disabilities, watching them overcome obstacles, and experiencing success. My wife (also an educator) and son love doing anything outdoors from downhill skiing in Colorado, 徒步旅行, 野营, and just enjoying God’s great creation of the beautiful outdoors. It is a privilege to work with students preparing for the education teaching and administrative profession.


  • Special 教育 Courses
  • 教育al Assessment Course
  • Administrative Licensure Courses


  • District and School Administration
  • RTI/MTSS Implementation and Fidelity
  • Special 教育 Strategies and Accommodations
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Differentiation of Instruction
  • School and Special 教育 Law
  • 教学


  • Editorial Peer Manuscript Reviewer for 教育 Peer Reviewed Journal
  • Qualitative Analysis and Presentation of Data “The Opening of Schools 社区 Survey” for COVID mitigation - Whitefish Bay School District.
  • 政策评估, 修订, 发展, and Publication of Hazing Policy and related rules and attachments for the Whitefish Bay School District.
  • Dissertation entitled, “RtI: Elementary teachers’ practices and procedures for implementation fidelity: A Qualitative study.” 五车二大学.
  • Authored a Response to Intervention Policy Handbook for a school district
  • Numerous local and national conference and in-service presentations on education topics including: 特殊教育, 过渡计划, social emotional learning, 分化, 干预措施, multi-tiered levels of support, educational administration, 和领导能力


  • Association of Wisconsin School Administrators - Principal Preparation and Support Committee Member
  • Association of Wisconsin School Administrators - Leading for Equity Work Team
  • WI Department of 教育 RTI Center - IHE Consultation Team Member
  • School District Special 教育 Procedural Compliance Committee Member
  • WLC Faculty Senate Chair
  • WLC Faculty Affairs Committee Member
  • WLC Faculty Workload Taskforce
  • WLC Online Learning Task Force
  • WELS Special 教育 Task Force
  • WELSSA Accreditation Team Captain
  • Special Educator Academy

Professional Memberships

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum 发展
  • Council for Exceptional Children
  • National Association of Special 教育 Teachers